Apply for a Travel Grant

Mork Family Department Travel Grant Application

As part of the Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science continuing efforts to support our students’ academic professional development, MFD will make travel grants available to MFD students and postdoctoral scholars.

Award Amount: Award amounts vary by distance and are contingent upon the applicant’s advisor paying at least 50% of the student’s expenses.  These funds may be taxed or may be considered taxable income.  Award amounts are up to: $300 for travel within the State of California, $500 for travel within the United States, and $700 for international travel. Candidates for Travel Awards are eligible to receive one award per calendar year, contingent on the availability of funds. In the case of limited funds, eligible candidates who have not already been recipients of MFD travel awards will be given preference.

Students who receive an offer from both MFD and the USC Graduate School or Graduate Student Government award for the same conference MUST choose one award.

Directions: MFD doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars should submit an online application.  In the case of an MFD undergraduate or master’s student, as long as the student is presenting, they are also eligible to apply.


Goal: The objective of these awards is to provide MFD scholars opportunities for professional exposure in scientific meetings that will benefit their growth and scholarly development.


  • The applicant must be a full-time USC graduate student or postdoctoral fellow in MFD. Applicants must be an author on the abstract or present either a talk or a poster at the proposed meeting.
  • Undergraduate students in MFD are eligible to apply provided their research was conducted under the supervision of MFD faculty, and they will be presenting.
  • Applicants may only receive one MFD Travel Grant award per calendar year.
  • The application must be submitted at least one month prior to the proposed travel. No retroactive reimbursements will be authorized.
  • MFD will provide the student or scholar with up to $300 for travel within the State of California, $500 for travel within the United States, and $700 for international travel, provided their advisor makes an equal contribution of support. The specified dollar amounts or 50% of the travel expenses, whichever is less, will be paid from MFD. The advisor must pay at least 50% of the total meeting expenses from their research/discretionary funds.
  • The advisor letter of support must confirm in writing that: a) the participation of the student at the proposed meeting is important to the student’s educational advancement; b) he or she will pay for at least 50% of the student’s expenses.
  • A budget for the trip including reasonable estimates for transportation, accommodation, registration fees, and per diem costs should be submitted.
  • Students who receive an offer for funding from both MFD and the USC Graduate School ( or Graduate Student Government ( for the same conference MUST choose one award.

Deadlines: Applications for MFD travel grants are due no later than one month prior to travel. Decisions are made on a rolling basis.  Grants are awarded based on the availability of funds and by discipline.


Published on January 12th, 2022Last updated on April 5th, 2024