MFD department students group picture on graduation day
MFD Commencement reception

General Advising for Current Students

MFD Advising Team

Here in the Mork Family Department, students have a network of support ranging from Academic Advisors, faculty, TA’s, and more. Academic Advising for undergraduate and master’s students is primarily managed by our advisors William, Brenda, and Candy. Academic Advising for PhD students is a partnership between Academic Advisors and the student’s PI.

William Wences


Candy Escobedo


Brenda Ornelas




MFD Undergraduate, Master's, and Ph.D. Advising

Beginning Tuesday, October 3rd, MFD will be offering Virtual Drop-in advising during the times listed below. Starting this date, we ask that students with short 10-15 minute questions visit us during our scheduled virtual drop-in hours. For dedicated 20-30 minute questions, please feel free to schedule an appointment with an advisor via the links below.

Please also feel free to continue to utilize our email for non-urgent inquiries. 

MFD Advisors can assist with:

  • Academic Planning/Course Recommendations (MS and Undergrad Only)
  • General Academic Advice
  • D-Clearance Inquiries (see D-Clearance section below) 
  • PhD Forms Processing 
  • PDP Inquiries 

MFD Advisors cannot assist with:

  • Financial Aid
  • D-clearance for non-MFD departments 

Please note, any non-MFD course must be approved by your MFD advisor, however, d-clearance is provided by the respective department. 


Drop-in Advising (Zoom & In-Person)

Mon, Tues, Fri: 10:00am to 12:00pm

Thurs: 2:00pm to 4:00pm

In-Person: HED 202/204

Virtual Drop-Ins are appropriate for:

  • Undergrad, Master's, and Ph.D. student inquiries
  • Quick 10-15-minute inquiries
  • Verifying class schedule
  • General inquiries

1:1 Advising Appointments

1:1 in-person or Zoom advisor appointments are available upon request. You may schedule an appointment with an advisor via the links below. 

One on one advising appointments are appropriate for:

  • Undergrad, Master's, and Ph.D. student inquiries
  • 20-30 minute discussions
  • Academic Planning
  • Course Recommendations


Reminders for International Students

Full time enrollment requirement: 

Requirement to graduate once unit requirement is met :

  • All international students must graduate once they have completed all degree requirements. Program Extensions are only approved in the event that the student has remaining degree requirements.  


Published on May 4th, 2017

Last updated on July 26th, 2024