Davood Khairkhah
Part-Time Lecturer of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
- 1975, Doctoral Degree, Petroleum Engineering, University of Southern California
Have more than 30 years of diverse experience in various phases of Education and Engineering. Have been faculty member of universities, offering graduate level courses and conducting researches; providing mentoring, training and courses to oil and gas industry. The courses included Reservoir Engineering, Production Engineering, Fractured Reservoir, EOR, Water Flood, Field Development Planning, Simulation and Underground Gas Storage. Have managed different phases of field development for conventional and unconventional oil and gas fields (Including drilling, production, facilities, reservoir engineering, subsurface and HSSE) in Canada, US, South America and Middle East. Highly experienced and educated, with up-to-date know-how to resolve complex challenges in fracture evaluation, reservoir characterization, modelling, evaluation, planning, environmental impacts and management of underground gas storage reservoirs, conventional, fractured and tight oil and gas fields. Have lead water flood, gas injection, EOR and multi-discipline sub-surface projects. Extensive experience in business decision making, ranging from single well to development plans for complex conventional and unconventional oil and gas fields. Results-oriented with aptitude for leading and delivering complex upstream oil and gas projects, through multidiscipline team work.Research Summary
The researches had been focused on optimization of oil and gas reservoir performance through comprehensive integrated subsurface studies, encompassing various aspects of reservoirs, including environmental studies, production performance analysis, PVT analysis, core analysis (routine and SCAL), fracture assessment, fracking, reservoir characterization (geological, petrophysical and geophysical), well test analysis, reservoir simulation, improved and enhanced oil recovery, and economical evaluation.
- Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
- Davood Khairkhah has not listed an office location.
- khairkha@usc.edu